10 Alternative Christmas Movies

5. Die Hard

Dead Snow
20th Century Fox

Die Hard features everything you expect to see in a Christmas movie, including a pregnant woman, miracles, redemption and a resurrection. The film’s idea of “Christmas music” is Run DMC and Vaughn Monroe, though, so you can’t have everything.

“It’s Christmas, Theo,” says Alan Rickman at one point, “it’s the time for miracles so be of good cheer!” No sooner has he spoken than Theo achieves a truly miraculous feat – he backs an ambulance out of a truck that was empty earlier in the film.

Then there’s the most miraculous scene of all – Karl’s resurrection. Despite having been left hanging from a chain, limp and lifeless, he returns in the final scene to give Sergeant Al Powell his shot at redemption. You see, Al hasn’t been able to draw his weapon since he accidentally shot a kid, but when Karl appears, Al digs deep and rediscovers his passion for wasting bad guys.

Learning to kill again – it’s what Christmas is all about.

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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'