10 Alternative Films That Show The Real High School

2. Jawbreaker

jawbreaker-movieCrossroads FilmsJawbreaker is the €˜90s film to end all €˜90s films. It has the formula of a horror film, but plays out as a makeover comedy. There€™s not much more you can ask for, is there? Elizabeth Purr, the most popular girl in school, gets kidnapped on the morning of her 17th birthday. A totally innocent prank: her friends wanted to surprise her, and so gag her with a jawbreaker, which she chokes on and dies. That€™s the opening to the film. In true €˜90s horror movie fashion, the girls resolve to cover up the manslaughter and never tell a soul, because that always works so well. Obviously they get found out by the school€™s biggest loser, Fern Mayo (who even has a loser name: Mayo, ugh). Of course, there€™s nothing a little popularity can€™t fix. A quick makeover later and Fern Mayo becomes glamorous exchange student Vylette, adored by staff and students alike, on the promise that she becomes an accessory to murder. The clique€™s new head Courtney (Rose McGowen) shags Marilyn Manson (he is genuinely in this film, yes) in her dead friend€™s bed to make it look like he raped and killed her. However, whilst she's been plotting, Vylette has become immensely popular. As Courtney has no sense of consequences, she pulls Vylette back down to the high-school slums and exposes that she was Fern Mayo (even writing that name is gross) all along. Courtney€™s ambition and slightly frightening murderous tendencies have not been missed by the rest of the clique and so, obviously, it all goes down at prom. With a recording of Courtney admitting, €œI killed Liz. I killed the team dream. Deal with it!€ (awks), Vylette/Fern leads the other girls in exposing her to both the school and the police. Courtney gets her just desserts, and the school status quo is resumed.
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.