10 Amazing Character Moments In The Matrix Trilogy

9. The Merovingian - The Chocolate Torte

The Matrix
Warner Bros.

You've got to give the Wachowskis one big positive point when they made the sequel Matrix movies; they knew how to have fun with their new characters. Introduced at the midpoint of The Matrix Reloaded, The Merovingian is a computer program who traffics in obsolete programs/characters and acts as a broker of information.

Neo, Trinity and Morpheus approach The Merovingian at his restaurant in hopes of acquiring access to The Keymaker. The scene itself could have been a dull affair, as the three heroes sit silently behind their sunglasses and listen to The Merovingian waffle on about his superiority.

In a strange (but definitely memorable) moment, The Merovingian sends a chocolate dessert to a guest at his restaurant. It is revealed that the pudding is not what it seems, and it has in fact been written with a code that gives the guest an orgasm (you read that right).

It's an absurd moment in the film that is certainly creepier than it is entertaining, but behind it lies an interesting truth - The Merovingian is not only an intelligent and dangerous figure, but a bored manipulator with an amoral centre, even as a piece of ancient programming.

The fact that he sees subjects within The Matrix as playthings for him to toy with in such a way, highlights even though programs claim to not understand "love", they can certainly find joy in vindictive behaviour.

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The Matrix
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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!