10 Amazing Character Moments In The Matrix Trilogy

6. The Oracle - The Vase And A Cookie

The Matrix
Warner Bros.

During the midpoint of the first film, Neo is taken to meet the infamous Oracle; a wise sage whose words of wisdom have guided many unplugged warriors before him.

What's tremendous about this scene is how unexpectedly wholesome it is. What fans must have expected when the Oracle was built up is completely different to what they got. The Oracle is grandmotherly with not just Neo, but all her subjects and acolytes that reside in her apartment.

Between baking cookies, smoking cigarettes and offering whimsical words of wisdom, audiences are finally blessed with some answers - albeit ones they didn't know they wanted.

Within ten seconds of meeting The Oracle, our attention from Neo being The One is immediately transferred to this illusive, mysterious woman. Gloria Foster steals the limelight from every other actor in the film (maybe not Hugo Weaving, to be fair) and cements herself as a character with so much depth and knowledge, simply by being the only one straight with Neo.

But, after all the devastating hard truths the Oracle lays down for Neo, there's no better way to end it than by offering him a cookie that looks absolutely delicious.

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The Matrix
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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!