10 Amazing Character Moments In The Matrix Trilogy

7. Neo & Trinity - The Lobby Scene

The Matrix
Warner Bros.

It's always a great moment for a character's development when they finally step up and take charge. Prior to this scene, Neo was guided by the hand through the Matrix by Trinity, Morpheus and the rest of the gang. But when Morpheus is apprehended by the Agents, it seems there's only one option - pull the plug to protect everyone else.

Neo's defiance against that option, and Trinity's insistence on joining him on his suicide mission to rescue Morpheus, begins the film's third chaotic act. As the two heroes stroll straight into the lion's den - armed to the teeth with trench coats, sunglasses and enough firepower to win a World War - the first smack of a guard against a metal detector kicks off a shootout that is one of the best in movie history.

We'd already seen Trinity in action in the very first scene, but watching her and Neo work in tandem as they perform bullet-driven demolition on the lobby of Agent HQ is a true sign of just how formidable the heroes of The Matrix are. Set to Propellerhead's "Spybreak", the shootout reveals to audiences that the heroes are no longer going to run from the Agents, but are instead taking the fight to them.

This is the scene where audiences realise Neo isn't fresh meat anymore, and while he hasn't become The One at this point, he's very much on track.

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The Matrix
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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!