10 Amazing Horror Movies That Are Total Nonsense

7. The Happiness Of The Katakuris

John Dies At The End
Vitagraph Films LLC

Throughout his illustrious career, Takashi Miike has made quite a few WTF features, including Audition and Ichi the Killer. And yet, these films' eccentricities feel mundane compared to The Happiness of the Katakuris. 

This absurdist farce starts off with a woman having her uvula pulled out by an imp she found in her soup. What makes this already peculiar scene stranger is the fact it's never mentioned again. Instead, the story primarily focuses on a family struggling to keep their B&B in business.

But that's not all. When the Katakuri family discover their first tenant has wound up dead, the film decides this is the most appropriate time to turn into a full-blown musical.

Due to these spontaneous changes in genre, style, and tone, it's obvious Miike isn't abiding by any cinematic conventions or rules. Sometimes, it switches to a semi-claymation style for no reason. Other times, it plays up the musical angle or focuses on a lovey-dovey subplot to such an extent that it's easy to forget this is a horror. Just when it looks like things couldn't get more bizarre, a group of corpses perform an elaborate song and dance number.

Truly mad stuff.

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