10 Amazing Horror Movies That Are Total Nonsense

8. Rubber

John Dies At The End
Magnet Releasing

In the realm of horror, anything can be turned into a homicidal maniac, including gingerbread men, saunas, and elevators. As a result, it was only a matter of time before there was a horror flick about a killer wheel.

Since the promotions for Rubber emphasise the story revolves around a murderous car tire, it's obvious this fantasy horror was going to be barmy.

And yet, the bonkers tale proves to be significantly stranger than the advertisements implied. In the prologue, a sheriff called Chad addresses a visible audience, informing them they're about to watch a movie where strange things happen for "no reason". At first, these spectators appear to stand in for the viewers. 

However, Chad interweaves inside and outside the fourth wall throughout, causing the rules of this reality to unravel. When he fails to kill the tyrannical tire, Chad tries to murder the stand-in audience, believing the film can't exist if nobody is alive to watch it. Meta moments like this are so out there, it's hard to comprehend what movie this is supposed to be. (But based on Chad's opening monologue, that's sort of the point.)

Although Rubber's plot would've functioned fine without the "film within a film" structure, it's a welcome addition, since it makes this already fantastical premise ten times more perplexing.

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