10 Amazing Movie Roles Ruined By Terrible Actors

8. Mary Corleone - Sofia Coppola (The Godfather Part 3)

Gal Gadot Wonder Woman Bad

In any other franchise, The Godfather Part 3 would have been a solid enough trilogy capper, but it had the misfortune of being the follow-up to two of the greatest filmmaking achievements in the medium. Good unfortunately cannot measure up to great, but despite this the 1990 crime epic is still an impressive filmmaking endeavour.

One thing that nearly every fan and critic agree upon is that Sofia Coppola's performance as Mary Corleone is easily the worst thing in the trilogy. Replacing Winona Ryder (who left due to health concerns), the future director's lack of acting chops and experience worked against her in the third Godfather picture, and she failed to capture Mary's naivete and innocence in a manner that was not grating and eye-rolling.

In the younger Coppola's defence, the Godfather Part 3 was a hellish cinematic undertaking and she was a last-minute replacement, but that still does not excuse her from not giving life to a potentially interesting foil to the criminal elements of the Corleone family.

Despite her misfortunes as an actor, Coppola has found great success as a director, helming wonderful features such as Lost in Translation and The Virgin Suicides.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.