10 Amazing Movie Scenes That Came Totally Out Of Nowhere

8. Tool's Monologue - The Expendables

Burn After Reading Brad Pitt

Nobody expects great acting or genuine pathos from an Expendables movie of all things, yet Mickey Rourke - fresh off an Oscar nomination for The Wrestler - gave 110% regardless in his small role.

In the action star team-up movie, Rourke plays Tool, a tattoo expert and close friend of Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone) who actually stays out of the action entirely.

In a mid-film chit-chat, though, Tool stops the film dead in its tracks by recounting a haunting story from a mission he undertook with Barney in Bosnia, where in the middle of a massacre he glimpsed a woman on a bridge and, knowing she was about to jump, did nothing to help her.

It's a phenomenal monologue expertly delivered by Rourke, and ultimately feels like it has no business in an Expendables movie.

A lesser director would've cut such a scene for disrupting the film's overall mood and tone, yet Stallone smartly kept it in and gave audiences a mini dramatic treat completely out of nowhere.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.