10 Amazing Movies Over Three Hours Long
6. The Wolf Of Wall Street
Runtime: 3 hours
Just squeezing in at the three-hour mark, Martin Scorsese's 2013 biopic is that rare epic that doesn't feel long while you're watching it.
The Wolf Of Wall Street is crafted with such a fast-paced energy and a whip-smart sense of humour that its runtime will easily zip by, and it's one of those movies you can just put on at any time and enjoy. That's not something you often hear about a 180-minute movie.
That's a testament to Scorsese's skill behind the camera, as well as Leonardo DiCaprio's in front of it. The director keeps his story flowing with no lag whatsoever, and his leading man relishes in the profound insanity of his character's illegal shenanigans, so much so that you can literally feel the actor enjoying every minute.
And that makes it easy for us to enjoy ourselves along with him.