10 Amazing Movies That Are Total Nonsense

8. Mulholland Drive

Holy Motors Eva Mendes

David Lynch's magnum opus Mulholland Drive might well be cinema's all-time great monument to the potential for nonsense to aspire to True Art. 

Lynch's work has always had a loose-at-best tether to our tangible reality, but this film willfully bathes itself in dream logic from start to finish. Sure, there are relatively persuasive fan theories about how the two "halves" of its enigmatic story slot together, but Lynch has steadfastly refused to ever confirm the validity of these theories, sensibly preferring for the film to live on as a haunting, unanswered question.

To be clear, the strength of Lynch's vision is never in doubt, with the intoxicating strangeness of every single scene, the superb chemistry between Naomi Watts and Laura Harring, and Mulholland Drive's well-aged commentary on the toxic nature of Hollywood.

It's all extremely difficult to look away from, even if you may have no idea what the hell it means by the film's end. Whether it all really has concrete meaning in David Lynch's mind or not is unknowable, but where the end viewer experience is concerned, it's beautiful nonsense.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.