10 Amazing Trailers That Tricked You Into Seeing Terrible Horror Movies

1. Demonic

The Nun
IFC Films

I think it was Liam Gallagher who sang, "I'm feeling supersonic, I wish I'd never watched Demonic," and truer words have never been spoken.

Billed as Neill Blomkamp's return to form, the District 9 director dropped the trailer to Demonic and, as a horror fan who absolutely loves it when things go bonkers, I ate it up. The teaser drove home the insanity of the premise: a woman in a coma lives in a simulation that doctors have made for her mind, a simulation another character joins to get answers on a decades-old crime.

That's already wild, but it gets even better. While in there, it turns out that the woman in a coma is actually possessed, and for some reason the Vatican has assigned a team of black ops soldiers to do hunt down... something. That's right: the Vatican has a black ops group.

As silly as the plot may seem, the trailer managed to make it work in a self-aware wiay, blending genuinely striking horror imagery with this shamelessly pulpy plot.

Perhaps inevitably with a story like this though, the end result crumbled under the weight of itself, home to nothing scarier than the film's unconvincing effects. Still, I love that it exists.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3