10 Amazing Trailers That Tricked You Into Seeing Terrible Horror Movies

2. The Unholy

The Nun
Sony Pictures Releasing

Released earlier this year, The Unholy squandered a solid horror premise. About a young woman who appears to have been visited and healed by the Virgin Mary, Jeffrey Dean Morgan stars as a sceptical journalist investigating these miracles.

All of this is established in the first trailer, which similarly highlighted the scale of the miracles, teasing the nefarious force behind them. Visually it looked impressive, with some evocative shots of fire and brimstone suitably building anticipation for the moment that these acts of God were going to be revealed for what they were.

The teaser also showed off a game Jeffrey Dean Morgan who, let's face it, can make even the worst movies at least watchable.

And, ultimately, that's probably the nicest thing you can say about The Unholy: it is watchable. It's not good, and it squanders an interesting premise with a flat script and unconvincing scares, but it is indeed a film.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3