8. David Doesn't Blink Once Throughout The Entire Movie - A.I. Artificial Intelligence
Most people don't go to see movies so they can check whether or not an actor is blinking for the sum of its runtime, but on occassion it pays to take notice. Even if an actor did opt to stop blinking, of course, the likelihood is that you wouldn't pick up on it - you'd probably just get an "off" feeling. Still, Haley Joel Osment, who you know as "that kid from The Sixth Sense" and the person who played android boy David in Steven Spielberg's A.I. Artificial Intelligence, thought otherwise. That's right: throughout the entirety of the movie, Osment - who suggested the idea to Spielberg - never blinks. The reasoning for this, of course, is that David is an artificial boy, and that's the kind of trait that we'd associate with an artificial boy, isn't it? And even if you never noticed, of course, it's the kind of subtle trait that ultimately serves to ensure that there's something inherently "manufactured" about his character. And before you bring it up: contrary to popular belief, Anthony Hopkins
does, in fact, blink in The Silence of the Lambs. Quite a lot, actually.