10 Animated Movies That Desperately Need Sequels

Now we know The Incredibles 2 is coming, what other animated sequels can we hope for in the near future?

After almost a decade of speculation and down-playing rumours, it was finally announced this past week that Pixar would be moving ahead with the widely-requested The Incredibles 2: finally, it seems, Pixar are giving us a sequel we actually want. In the same conference call, the company also confirmed that a third Cars film is in the making, which is about as far opposite as possible in terms of enthusiasm and excitement, after the wretched second movie. But what about other animated movies that deserve sequels? Most animated movies that do well end up getting a sequel, but some movies (say, Disney's mega-hit Frozen) really shouldn't get a follow-up because there's not really any more story left to tell, and it would require a convoluted narrative to bring all of the characters back into the fold. What about those movies that had enough material for another go around the block, but for some reason (usually financial), haven't been given the opportunity? Are there any animated movies begging for a sequel that we've missed? Let us know in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.