10 Animated Movies That Desperately Need Sequels

10. A Bug's Life

After Pixar knocked it out of the park with their debut feature, Toy Story, their second movie had to prove it was no fluke, and while it couldn't quite live up to the impossibly high standards of that certified classic, A Bug's Life was another thoroughly entertaining effort from the studio. Yes, it lacked the sophistication of Pixar's better efforts and suffered from squaring off against the arguably superior Antz (which it absolutely trounced at the box office, mind), but the mixture of outstanding animation (which h0lds up incredibly well today), hilarious characters and a memorable story have made this easily the studio's most under-appreciated effort to date. There have been many campaigns for a sequel over the years, though Pixar has always batted these requests away, likely because while the film was a strong financial success (making just over three-times its budget at the box office), it still remains their least profitable film to date, and when you can make billions of merchandising dollars on another Cars movie, why take a creative gamble with something like this? As for the story, it'd probably be something as simple as another insect trying to steal Atta's crown, and that might sound arbitrary, but that's the nature of the insect kingdom...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.