10 Most Annoying Girlfriends In Comic Book Movies

2. Dr. Chase Meridian (Nicole Kidman) - Batman Forever

Nicole Kidman is rarely bad enough in a movie that you have to stop and say: "God, what's going on here?" But her role as Chase Meridian - sorry, that's Dr. Chase Meridian - in Batman Forever warrants exactly that kind of reaction, because she seems to phone it in from start to finish. Either that, or she was drugged at the beginning of every scene and then forced to spew her lines. Chase Meridian is a character created entirely for the film, of course, but they needn't have bothered; as a love interest for Val Kilmer's Batman, she only inspires yawns. Sure, she's sort of sexy in the role, too - but so was Blake Lively in The Green Hornet, and we all know how that turned out. For the sum of the part, then, Chase only inspires eye-rolling. She's got all the cliches of a girlfriend character that the filmmakers are purposely trying to make seem like not another girlfriend character, which in turn makes her seem like just another girlfriend character (breathe). Oh, she kickboxes? Oh, she can fight? Wonderful. The most interesting thing about Chase Meridian is her name - and even that's super annoying.

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