10 Most Annoying Girlfriends In Comic Book Movies

7. Lois Lane (Amy Adams) - Man Of Steel

Who knew that Amy Adams, perhaps the best actress of her generation, could be annoying? Granted, she's probably always had the potential to be a bit too cutesy, but when required to do so she's tended to play it with a sense of self-awareness that made it bearable, as witnessed in the likes of Disney's Enchanted. The problem with Man of Steel's Lois Lane is that she's a bit bland and undeveloped, and in her ability to show up at the right place at the right time whenever the plot needs her to, she quickly becomes a bit maddening as a character. Not only that, but Adams didn't really feel like anything other than a love interest for the sake of being a love interest - excusing the fact that she had zero chemistry with Henry Cavill's Clark Kent (and let's face it, there was more romantic chemistry between Michael Shannon's Zod and Superman on show), she didn't make a convincing journalist, either. As a result, the movie slowed down and felt a bit stale whenever we focused on her - the writing, the actress, whatever... they all failed to bring something new or even familiar to Lois Lane.

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