10 Most Annoying Girlfriends In Comic Book Movies

4. Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) - Thor

A lot of people have been left wondering why, of all the roles she could have taken (and was presumably offered), Oscar-winning Natalie Portman - who has played a variety of wonderful, interesting characters over the course of her career - settled for a Marvel Cinematic Universe character as blandly drawn as Jane Foster. It's not that the character of Jane Foster is inherently bad or anything; more that Portman deserves better than to play banal love interest for the sum of two movies. There's no way she can't regret having said "yes" to Thor, surely? As a character, Jane isn't quite so irksome in what she does as much as she is in what she doesn't do: in the first Thor movie, she had a few good scenes, but there was still a sense of the generic about her. Probably not enough to be outright "annoying," though. In follow-up Thor: The Dark World, however, she's reduced to that of a catatonic patient - she spends the entire movie either being knocked out or unconscious. By circumstance alone, then, her presence - as a tool (a tool the writers don't know what to do with) - was never anything but irritating.

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