10 Most Annoying Girlfriends In Comic Book Movies

5. Carol Ferris (Blake Lively) - The Green Lantern

One of the things that so many superhero girlfriend characters are assigned to do in their positions as narrative tools is endlessly bicker with the hero, because we all know that bickering leads to more bickering, which in turn leads to sexual chemistry and then sex (for some reason). Blake Lively seems to have been cast in The Green Lantern as love interest Carol Ferris because - let's face it - she looks gorgeous, but for reasons that aren't entirely explainable, she just come off as being really, really annoying from the very start to the very end. The reason for this might, rather ironically, actually stem from the fact that there's very nearly nothing to her character all; for an actress whose surname literally means "full of life and energy; active and outgoing," she looks genuinely bored to be involved. Maybe she sensed the movie was going to be a stinker? Regardless, her will they/won't they banter with Ryan Reynolds' Hal Jordan isn't quirky or fun to watch as much as it is tiresome; whether this is all down to bad scripting, or because the pair had no chemistry matters not - Carol is vexing.

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