10 Annoying Tropes Marvel Needs To Abandon To Save Phase 3

10. A Big Final Battle

For The Avengers, it makes perfect sense that they face a threat which could potentially destroy the Earth. However, the same thing happening in the character's solo movies undermines that and ultimately leads to these movies feeling more and more formulaic. Captain America saved thousands of people from HYDRA in The Winter Soldier, Thor stopped Malekith from plunging the Nine Realms into darkness, and Iron Man saved the President of the United States and the world from being exposed to genetically enhanced Extremis soldiers. Each threat is so serious that fans can't help but wonder why the heroes don't end up calling in their teammates for help. In Phase 3, Marvel needs to make these final battles more personal instead of just getting bigger and bigger. Yes, it's obviously more exciting when the stakes are higher, but a more character driven approach could have some massively positive effects for the MCU. The problem with sequels is that they always seem to find it necessary to deliver everything (whether it's action scenes or the amount of characters) on a larger scale. However, Marvel's characters are appealing enough to sell people on these movies, not just the amount of explosions in the trailer. Bigger isn't always better, and while it's nice to sit back in awe, the final fight between Captain America and The Winter Soldier is far more memorable than the falling Helicarriers and massive gun battles that surrounded them.

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