10 Annoying Tropes Marvel Needs To Abandon To Save Phase 3

9. It's All Connected

A Cinematic Universe is great and all, but it can also sometimes be a detriment. Iron Man 2 is widely considered the worst Marvel Studios movie to date because of how much set up it included for The Avengers, while Age Of Ultron also came under fire for cramming in a little too much set up for what's to come in Phase 3. Even director Joss Whedon has admitted to being a little annoyed at being forced to include that heavily edited subplot for Thor. Characters crossing over and at least some hints about what's to come isn't the worst thing in the world, but a little less emphasis on that would be no bad thing. While there's inevitably going to be a lot of set up for Infinity War, Captain America: Civil War will hopefully serve as an epilogue of sorts to Phase 2 which at least offers up some sort of fresh start. That's particularly important for some of the new franchises Marvel are hoping to launch. Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, and Inhumans all relying on cameos from more famous characters won't really do them any favours in the long run; Marvel needs to establish them as A-Listers in their own right. As much as fans love the Marvel Cinematic Universe, constant nods haven't gone down that well, so these wouldn't be too missed.

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