10 Ant-Man Trailer Easter Eggs You Might Have Missed

2. €œIs It Too Late To Change The Name?€

Besides all the behind-the-scenes gossip, one of the things that has got audiences a little more sceptical about this film than Marvel's usual fare is the name. The gimmick too, but mainly the name. Ant-Man? Seriously? The trailer addresses that nicely with some comedic mugging by Paul Rudd undercutting the otherwise somber tone, asking Michael Douglas €œis it too late to change the name?€ Apart from being a neat little lampshading of the ridiculousness of that title €“ Marvel are in agreement with the viewers, just as they were with the expectations-defying first trailer for Guardians Of The Galaxy, a team even most hardened nerds were unfamiliar with €“ that little crack would have been another wink at the source material. As previously mentioned, Hank Pym loves code names. He's been through a silly amount during his time in the comics, usually to accompany some new power he's given himself (or else as a PR exercise to make people forget he beat his wife). He started as Ant-Man but has since been Giant-Man, Goliath, Yellowjacket, Scientist Supreme, and even Wasp for a spell.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/