10 Apocalypse Horror Movies That Don't Involve Zombies

8. The Road

These Final Hours
The Weinstein Company

Based on Cormac McCarthy’s award winning novel, The Road provides a truly dour look at a potential post-apocalyptic society. While the initiating catastrophe is unexplained in both book and film, it’s certainly not zombies - for a story this dark, the concept of the undead seems almost lighthearted.

Following an unnamed boy and his father on their journey to the coast in the hopes that conditions will be better there, the narrative sees the man steadily whittle down the initial supply of three bullets he had saved to mercy-kill himself and his family after the original event by protecting themselves. Much of the conflict showcased simply stems from human desperation, where distrust of others and a selfish survival instinct have led to the near-total collapse of interpersonal relationships and empathy.

Only the boy, born shortly after the disaster, shows any sign of human kindness, though we know these characters are not evil, but rather simply hopeless. The film’s ending is no less morose than any of its other acts, so get yourself comfortable and ready for an emotional bruising with this one. Especially since of any on this list, the dissolution of society depicted in The Road is probably the most potentially accurate.


Writer, gamer, and enjoyer of all things visual. Makes jokes more reliably than headshots.