10 Asylum Releases And The Films They Shamelessly Ripped Off

1. Avengers Grimm: Time Wars - Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers Grimm
The Asylum Company / Marvel Studios

The superior sequel to Avengers Grimm; Rumpelstiltskin is back and this time he’s set on taking over the Earth. Only Alice and her Looking Glass squad can possibly foil his dastardly plans.

To be fair to the film, Avengers Grimm: Time Wars, is a fun watch; with acceptable CGI, good costume design and a duel pistol wielding Red Riding Hood, it all combines to give the ridiculous story some credit.

Compared, however, with Avengers: Infinity War, it's more on par with a first-year film student project. That being said, watching both this, and its predecessor, Avengers Grimm, one evening with friends and a few beers, is loads of fun.

It's one of The Asylum’s better productions and a fan favourite.


A huge fan of horror, Warhammer 40k, Folk Music, B Movies, gaming and Star Trek, so a massive geek really! I also have seven dogs, who I love to bits.