The Avengers set an entirely new standard for superhero movies by successfully drawing together all the pieces from Marvels Phase One films. Together, they crafted a great vision of the unified Marvel Cinematic Universe, a standard that competitors such as Fox and Warner Bros are now rushing to try and imitate. Sony may have even decided to just throw in the towel on their plans for a Spider-Verse and may instead work out a deal with Marvel to allow the Web-Slinger to play in the MCU sandbox. If The Avengers set the new standard, then Age of Ultron looks like it will up the ante. With every day we get closer to the release, the more excited we get. Recent announcements like the unveiling of Marvels Phase 3 slate of films and the revelations related to the Inhumans in Agents of SHIELD have only helped to heighten our excitement. But there are still a lot of things we dont know about this movie. The first trailer for the film gave us a few clues to things that we might see in the finished version, and this has only served to raise more questions about what will end up on the big screen. Here are ten surprises that could be in store for us come May 1st, 2015;