10 Awards The Golden Globes Got Wrong

7. Best Actress (Musical Or Comedy Film) €“ Amy Adams (American Hustle)

One of the most fiercely contested groups at this year's Golden Globes is the Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy field. Though Amy Adams picked up the win for her work in American Hustle, she was up against Julie Delpy (Before Midnight), Greta Gerwig (Frances Ha), Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Enough Said) and Meryl Streep (August: Osage County). Frankly, any one of them could have realistically won, though to me Julie Deply's work was clearly the strongest of the group. The inevitable problem is that Delpy's film just doesn't have the public profile that American Hustle has, and also suffers from having been released so early in the year, whereas Adams' strong work is stuck much more strongly in our minds. It's not one to be too angry about, but the Globes got it wrong anyway.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.