10 Awards The Golden Globes Got Wrong

5. Best Supporting Actor (Series, Miniseries Or TV Film) €“ Jon Voight (Ray Donovan)

This one is truly baffling given that a) Ray Donovan has had relatively mixed reviews since it started and b) there are 3 other nominees in the category who are far more deserving. It's fair to say that this might be a case of the HFPA old guard picking one of their old familiars, but with a slew of performances as good as Rob Lowe (Behind the Candelabra), Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad) and Corey Stoll (House of Cards), it's a real shocker and a disservice. More to the point, it was Aaron Paul's single Golden Globe nomination throughout his entire run on Breaking Bad, and would have been a very welcome summation award for his years of work. Paul's always worked in the shadow of Bryan Cranston, who has picked up countless awards left and right, so this would have been a nice moment, one that was sadly not to be for reasons unknown.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.