10 Awesome 90’s Actors That Were Ruined By The Noughties

6. Michael Madsen

Michael Madsen is the exact polar opposite of Geena Davis. Instead of putting out an awesome 90€™s filmography before disappearing into the ether, Madsen put out an awesome 90€™s filmography before suddenly appearing in so many movies, some of them unforgivably bad, that it€™s almost impossible to still find him watchable. I mean, he was working a lot in the 90€™s too, but back then he at least had movies like Donnie Brasco, Thelma and Louise, Reservoir Dogs and Free Willy to garner him a modicum of respect. Nowadays, you€™ll be lucky if you€™ve even ever heard of around 85% of his output. I guess in reality, the 90€™s never really ruined Madsen; if his CV is anything to go be, he€™s in a very financially stable position. And true, he was in Kill Bill in the noughties, but he was also in 83 other projects from 2000 €“ 2010, proving that he really will just agree to just about anything.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.