10 Awesome 90’s Actors That Were Ruined By The Noughties

7. Al Pacino

Fair enough, you maybe can€™t explicitly classify Pacino as a €˜90€™s€™ actor, although you can make the case that his output during the 90€™s is as consistently good as his output during any other decade of his career. Let€™s look again at some of that 90€™s output shall we: you got Scent of a Woman, Glengarry Glen Ross, Carlito€™s Way, Heat, Devil€™s Advocate, Donnie Brasco and The Insider. All awesome movies, all made better by Pacino€™s performances. But all that ferocity, all that fire was seemingly spent by the time the noughties rolled around, and although he was still shouting and screaming (as is one of his trademarks), there was a decided emptiness to his performances in the likes of People I Know, The Recruit, Righteous Kill € and the righteously terrible Gigli, and for agreeing to appear in that last one, he really does want his head checking. Despite being in some of the greatest movies like € of all time €“ Godfather, Scarface, Dog Day Afternoon €“ you wouldn€™t necessarily think so from the look of his more recent filmography.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.