10 Awesome Action Movies That Didn't Need A Sequel, Remake Or Reboot

8. Bullitt

Con Air
Warner Bros.

Bullitt has remained one of the most iconic action thrillers ever made for over half a century based almost entirely on Steve McQueen's typically cool central performance and what might very well be the single greatest car chase ever committed to film.

There's been no shortage of classic actioners being remade or rebooted over the years, but somehow Bullitt has managed to find itself in rare territory as one of the ones that are deemed untouchable, and with very good reason. If anyone decided to remake it then they'd only be setting themselves up for a fall, because the signature chase sequence and the effortless charisma of the leading man both set benchmarks that would be almost impossible to even try and come close to.

Some classics deserve to be left alone, and Bullitt is definitely among them. While a remake was rumored back in 2007 with Brad Pitt set to slip into the title character's famous turtleneck, common sense eventually prevailed and the idea quickly evaporated, never to be mentioned again.

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Con Air
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