10 Awesome Animated Shorts From Around The World

2. A Morning Stroll


Dir: Grant Orchard (UK) €˜€˜ Basically it€™s like a three part riff on €œWhy did the chicken cross the road?€ €™€™ explains Orchard, while offering a mesmerising response that stretches over a century, is loaded with gags and boasts some of the most spectacular, not to mention photorealistic, 3D effects ever seen. For the first part, we're in 1959. Imagine a simple stick-drawing, the type you might find in a New Yorker cartoon. A man stops and stares at a chicken that has just passed him on the street. Nothing much to feast your eyes on here, so let's skip ahead fifty years. It's the same street but now it has the bouncy, colourful charm of a Fanta advert. Both the man and the chicken have been 'updated'; and as their paths cross for a second time, the former is too preoccupied with his phone to notice. And then 2059: the bleakest future possible. It may be a post-apocalyptic nightmare but the street- and the chicken- are very much intact. Shame the man hasn't aged as well, though... Six minutes of satire, slapstick, pathos and horror really isn€™t long enough. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-Bl-QWZ2WU
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Yorkshireman (hence the surname). Often spotted sacrificing sleep and sanity for the annual Leeds International Film Festival. For a sample of (fairly) recent film reviews, please visit whatsnottoblog.wordpress.com.