10 Awesome Characters Trapped In TERRIBLE Horror Movies

These incredible horror movie characters deserved SO much better.

31 Richard Brake
Saban Films

It's fair to say that characterisation isn't always the biggest concern in horror movies - sure, a fleshed-out hero is definitely appreciated, but villains and supporting characters often end up getting the short shrift for the sake of efficiency.

This is true in even genuinely good horror flicks, because the audience needs a kill every ten-or-so minutes to sustain their interest, right?

Yet sometimes the opposite is true, and a character might unexpectedly rise to the top of the pack in a movie that's otherwise totally awful.

Sometimes one character is written compellingly enough or acted with sufficient gusto to become a cult fave with audiences, no matter how much the rest of the film sucked.

These 10 characters, whether providing brilliant comic relief or leaning fully into the material's unhinged potential, all deserved to end up in a much better movie. Instead, they remain the bright spot of a film that was otherwise largely rubbished by the horror community.

Without these characters - and their actors - stealing the show every chance they had, many of these movies would've quickly fallen into obscurity and been basically forgotten...

10. Jennifer Jolie - Scream 3

31 Richard Brake

Scream 3 is near-universally accepted to be the worst entry into the hit slasher franchise, and is the only Scream film with a Rotten rating on the Tomatometer.

Critics and fans alike slammed the sequel for basically falling prey to the genre conventions the two previous films so cleverly lampooned, relying on contrived storytelling and underwhelming twists in an attempt to justify its own existence.

A big part of the problem is also that most of the new cast members aren't particularly memorable or even basically interesting, save of course for actress Jennifer Jolie (Parker Posey).

Scream 3's most inspired idea was having Ghostface target the actors in Stab 3, including Jolie, who plays Gale Weathers (Courteney Cox) in the movie-within-a-movie.

Jolie is an hilariously self-serving actress who proves to be the bane of Gale's existence throughout the film, tagging along with her to help "get into character," though also not-so-secretly hoping that Ghostface might kill her instead.

Even overwhelmingly negative reviews for the film praised Parker Posey's entertaining performance and chemistry with Courteney Cox, so it's a shame she didn't make it to the end in tact.

Though Jennifer deserved a much better movie overall, she at least steals every single scene she's in.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.