10 Awesome Characters Trapped In TERRIBLE Horror Movies

9. Gus Gilbert - Pet Sematary Two

31 Richard Brake

Pet Sematary Two is pretty typical as horror sequels go - a mostly lazy cash-in on the original film's success that lacks most of its predecessor's atmosphere and intrigue.

But there's one character who makes it worthwhile - surly local sheriff Gus Gilbert (Clancy Brown).

In addition to being an all-around a**hole, he's horribly abusive to his stepson Drew (Jason McGuire), and so it's enormously satisfying to see him mauled to death by an undead dog in the middle of the movie.

But the real fun comes when Gus is buried and subsequently resurrected, returning as a grotesque, even more horrific amplification of his former self.

Clancy Brown clearly relishes the opportunity to go full ham, completely disappearing into the role of the supernaturally revived undead sheriff, his performance so brilliantly unhinged as to make this otherwise terrible film worth watching.

Without an antagonist as unforgettably sadistic as Gus - who most memorably murders a bully by ramming a spinning motorcycle wheel into his face - Pet Sematary Two would've been forgotten within weeks of its 1992 release.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.