10 Awesome Characters Trapped In TERRIBLE Horror Movies

2. Doom-Head - 31

31 Richard Brake
Bow + Arrow Entertainment

Rob Zombie is absolutely an acquired taste among horror fans, though 2016's 31 is surely one of his worst films to date - a surprisingly tepid slasher movie riff on The Running Man that's also hampered by headache-inducing shaky cam.

The saving grace, however, is the film's ultimate antagonist, Doom-Head (Richard Brake) - a not-so-subtle riff on The Joker who is brought to skin-crawling life by veteran character actor Richard Brake.

Though Doom-Head's appearances throughout the film are sadly sporadic, he's the single memorable, well-executed part of an otherwise sloppy horror flick.

Zombie clearly wanted to give his film an iconic mascot villain, and he certainly succeeded even if the movie surrounding Doom-Head is really quite dreadful.

It's a shame 31 was both a critical and commercial dud, as Doom-Head's distinct look and Brake's extremely committed performance made him an awe-striking villain ripe for his own franchise.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.