10 Awesome Characters Who Deserved Better Death Scenes

4. Cyclops

Died In: X-Men: The Last Stand How do you ensure that the audience's affections aren't split between two potential leader-types in one film? Easy, you get rid of one of the characters to make way for the other taking all focus and becoming the new heart of the matter. But you should at least give the departing hero some kind of momentous death scene - like Willem Dafoe's in Platoon - to celebrate his importance to the story. But not in The Last Stand, which features the almost immediate and off-screen death of Cyclops, who apparently explodes at the hands and over-zealous lips of Jean Grey, having spent the last few months tormented by her death. We don't even get to see him die a tragic lover's death, and the X-Men are rather unceremoniously robbed of their leader after just half an hour of him moping about. Not cool.

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