10 Awesome Characters Who Deserved Better Death Scenes

5. Dobby

Died In: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows All three of Dumbledore, Sirius Black and Snape died for emotional impact in the Harry Potter series, and their deaths had genuine and important reasons in terms of the franchise's continuing narrative, and in particular their effects on Harry. Other characters, meanwhile died because, like, war is bad - Fred Weasley(it should have been Ron), Tonks and Lupin - and they serve their own purposes for that very reason. But there is absolutely no need to kill Dobby at all - and especially not in the manner it is done. Recently freed and made a hero by his successful attempts to free Harry and his fellow captives from the Malfoys' dungeon, Dobby cruelly dies thanks to the flying blade of Bellatrix Lestrange, taking his last breath in Harry's arms mere seconds from freedom. Killing the little house elf was just one step too far for the kill-happy author who had also needlessly killed Hedwig earlier in the same film. JK Rowling, you utter cow.
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