10 Awesome Characters Who Deserved Better Death Scenes

8. Chef

Died In: South Park Here's how the late great Isaac Hayes' acrimonious departure from South Park went down, in simplified form: South Park criticises Scientology, Hayes gets mad and quits, South Park respond by criticisng Scientology even more, turning Chef into a child molester and killing him. In a fairly obvious critical stab at Scientology, the season 10 premiere of South Park - called "The Return of Chef" - featured the rotund food dispenser joining a cult called the Super Adventure Club, which brainwashed him and turned him into a child molester, using their religion as a flimsy explanation for their criminal activities. Though the South Park boys attempt to rescue him, Chef eventually chooses to stay with the cult, but falls from a rope bridge that is struck by lightning, impales himself on a tree and is then torn apart by a bear and a mountain lion. Talk about overkill. But despite the terrible nature of his death, Matt Stone and Trey Parker eulogised their departed hero with another open and provocative criticism of his chosen religion. At Chef's funeral, Kyle reads a eulogy that contains the following line:
"We shouldn't be mad at Chef for leaving us, we should be mad at that fruity little club for scrambling his brains."
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