10 Awesome Characters Who Deserved Better Death Scenes

7. Captain James T Kirk

Died In: Star Trek Generations The greatest hero in Star Fleet history, killed in the line of duty helping a fellow captain to basically save the world. A fitting end to Kirk's story, some might say, but others would very vocally disagree, given the manner of Kirk's death. Originally, he was set to be shot in the back - somewhat fitting for Malcolm McDowell's villain - but that was scrapped in favour of something far more fitting for the captain. He would be given the auspicious hero's death of having a great big bridge dropped on him, after a brief, exhilarating slide down a mountain side. There has to have been a better way of sending the great captain off, especially since Generations was supposed to be a celebratory opportunity to say a final goodbye to Kirk's reign and herald in the TNG cast for their run of movies. But no, Kirk wasn't killed in hand to hand combat with God, or by the ravaging hand of venereal disease, as he should have been - he went out with a whimper and a slight smudge of ketchup on his chin... http://youtu.be/y8_oqgPwHfI
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