10 Awesome Comic Book Movie Moments When Characters Received Power-Ups

1. Algrim/Kurse

In Thor: The Dark World, Malekith launches a Trojan horse attack on Asgard through his loyal lieutenant Algrim, who becomes the beastly Kurse in his assault on Thor€™s home realm. This power up enables him to break free from his prison cell and free his fellow prisoners, leading to havoc across the godly home of Thor. Algrim€™s transformation into Kurse was undertaken at great risk, and the devotion to Malekith is evident through Algrim€™s willingness to give everything for his leader. The sequence in which this happens occurs when Algrim is intentionally caught, and then uses his power-up to wreak destruction in his escape from incarceration. Although the villain being intentionally caught had been done before, with Loki opting to use this tactic in The Avengers, Algrim€™s power up enabled the escape to be fresh and distinct from previous films which had used a similar premise. In terms of transformation, this is perhaps the biggest power-up, fundamentally altering the character and allowing unprecedented levels of chaos and destruction to be unleashed upon the godly realm of Asgard. This shows that Kurse had one of the greatest impacts on the storyline as well; Deadpool was a minor inconvenience in comparison to the plot-shaking impact of the Dark Elves assault on Thor€™s home.

A 21 year old History graduate looking for someone to listen to his ramblings. Lover of comic books, movies and all other superhero related things. Published in The Independent, always looking for interesting things to write about...Follow me on Twitter at @samclements1993, and check out my blog: http://samuelclements.wordpress.com/