10 Most Awesome Displays Of Power In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

10. Groot Takes Out The Sakaarans (Guardians Of The Galaxy)

Aboard Ronan's ship - the Dark Aster - in Guardians of the Galaxy, the titular team found themselves battling Ronan and his allies. Drax killed Korath, Gamora defeated Nebula while the others tended to focus on the unnamed Sakkaran flunkies. At one point, as a small army of said Sakaaran flunkies appeared to be blocking the team's path, Groot used his ability to lengthen his extremities (ahem) to reach out and wrap them around the alien henchmen. Without breaking a sweat, he picked them group up, smashed them off the walls around them and left them all lying in an unconscious heap, before turning around and giving his team a little smile.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.