10 Most Awesome Displays Of Power In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

9. Yondu Uses His Yaka Arrow (Guardians Of The Galaxy)

Yondu Udonta, the Centaurian leader of the Ravagers, didn't see an awful lot of physical combat in Guardians of the Galaxy - but in the one scene in which he showed what he can do, it was awesome as hell. Yondu has the power to control a weapon known as a Yaka Arrow by whistling. Different sounding whistles send the arrow around at different speeds and in different directions. Weird? Yes. Cool? Very! And he's extremely adept at it. While surrounded by Sakaarans during the Battle of Xandar, the situation looked pretty hopeless for Yondu. However, he used the Yaka Arrow to quite casually kill every single one of the soldiers, leaving a massacre behind him as he walked away.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.