10 Most Awesome Displays Of Power In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

6. Hulk Smashes Loki (Avengers)

During the final battle of the Avengers movie - the Battle of New York - Hulk found himself face to face with Loki, after the god of mischief was blasted on to the top floor of Stark Tower by Hawkeye€™s exploding arrow while he was riding on one of his Chitauri army's gliders. Hulk immediately smashed Loki in to a wall, then roared aggressively and approached him with the intention of beating him to pup, at which point the Asgardian villain attempted to give a speech to the Avenger about how powerful he is and how Hulk was not worthy of him. Loki said €œEnough! You are all of you beneath me. I am a god, you dull creature, and I will not be bullied€€ Hulk then proceeded to smash Loki off the floor several times before muttering €œpuny god€ and wandering off nonchalantly, showing his ability to physically pummel even gods with his immense power.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.