10 Most Awesome Displays Of Power In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

7. Thor Breaks Jotunheim (Thor)

Against the wishes of his father, Odin, Thor decided to invade the cold realm of Jotunheim after finding out that some of its inhabitants - the Frost Giants - had been sneaking in to his home realm of Asgard. Odin had worked for years to create peace between the two realms and this action undid all that work and broke the truce between them. As the Frost Giants began to outnumber Thor and his allies - Loki, Sif and the Warriors Three - and a large Frost Beast was attacking, Thor opted to unleash the thunderous power of Mjolnir by calling down lightning. This massive bolt smashed in to the ground, taking out hordes of Frost Giants and, most impressively in terms of the power shown, completely cracked open a massive area of the realm, creating a huge chasm and really showing what Mjolnir can do.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.