10 Awesome Fan Theories That Improve The Back To The Future Movies

8. It's Doc And Marty's Fault That We Don't Have Hoverboards

It is often discussed that the Back To The Future Part II got a lot wrong about the future - most notably that we don't have hoverboards in 2015 like the movies did. A somewhat meta fan theory states that our real world is one of the many timelines created by the events of the movies and it may well have been the doings of either Doc or Marty that has prevented them from being an everyday feature of real world modern life. To explain - first with Marty - the theory suggests that the Rolls Royce driver who Marty initially crashed into during his road race with Needles in Part III could have been the man who poo-pooed the idea. In the first instance, the crash prevented him from listening to a pitch for the idea and rejecting it. But when Marty pulled out of the race he didn't crash, went to the meeting and ended up changing the course of hoverboard history. The second theory on the subject suggests that it was Doc Brown who invented the hoverboard - a theory backed up by the fact he was able to invent what was essentially a hovertrain and a flying DeLorean - but the fact that he ended up living in the past with Clara and his family prevented his idea from flourishing in the future timeline.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.