10 Awesome Fan Theories That Improve The Spider-Man Films

8. Harry Osborn Will Become Venom (The Amazing Spider-Man Franchise)

This fan theory first emerged prior to the release of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, but could it still be a possibility? It first came to light when a specimen locker inscribed with the number 14 was shown in a photograph tweeted by the movie's director Marc Webb, along with the hashtag '#happybirthday'. In the Ultimate comic books, 14 is the number of the locker in which Peter Parker and Harry Osborn found the Venom suit - initially created by their respective parents as a cure for cancer - which went on to be worn by Eddie Brock. The thing is, the #happybirthday hashtag that accompanied the image was referring to the fact that it was Dane DeHaan's birthday on the day of the tweet - fans saw this as Marc Webb basically saying "Happy Birthday Dane, here is your Venom suit as a gift!" Of course, DeHaan went on to become the Green Goblin, but with Norman Osborn supposedly returning, could he go on to replace him as the Green Goblin, with DeHaan's Harry Osborn becoming Venom? Perhaps after having tried to use the Venom entity to fully cure his goblin-esque condition? It would certainly be a refreshing take on the character, and would suitably distance the portrayal from the terrible Topher Grace effort in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 3.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.