10 Awesome Fan Theories That Improve The Spider-Man Films

6. Spider-Man Has Been In The MCU All Along

According to one fan theory, Spider-Man has been in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for quite some time. This is based on the fact that a recent Spider-Man comic book arc - Edge of the Spider-Verse - saw Spider-Men, Spider-Women, Spider-Clones and Spider-Animals from around the multiverse being hunted by vampire-like creatures who survived by draining their life force. As a result, the Spider-Characters had to band together, forming a Spider-Army to combat them. The theory states that Spider-Man was recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. prior to the Avengers movie, but headed off into another reality (either voluntarily or perhaps via a villain such as Kang the Conqueror) prior to the Avengers movie in order to join forces with his fellow Spider-Folk against the vampire Spider-Hunters. How would this improve the Amazing Spider-Man movies, you may ask? Well, it would connect them to a franchise that wasn't complete garbage, for starters.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.