10 Awesome Fan Theories That Would Improve The Batman Films

3. The Dark Knight Represented George W. Bush (Or Dick Cheney)

The Dark Knight was released in 2008, back when the United States were in the latter stages of the Bush presidency and a number of people saw the movie as a superhero parable of George W. Bush himself. The first representation of the controversial leader supposedly comes in the form of the Joker himself, no less. The villain blows up civilian buildings, tricks his minions into carrying out suicide missions, threatens a suicide bombing himself and even uses a cell phone-operated IED - all supposedly reflective of Bush's questionable acts. Also, in order to combat this terrorism, Batman himself kidnaps a crime lord using a procedure very reminiscent of "extraordinary rendition" - a real life procedure in which suspected terrorists are abducted and somewhat illegally transported from one nation to another. Bruce Wayne also develops a "government contract" which uses sonar images from civilians' cell phones to fight crime - this is very reminiscent of the Bush-signed Patriot Act. Finally, regarding Bush, there is an observation that Wayne is presented in the movie as a perpetual party boy screw-up who inherited everything he had and then squandered it all.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.