10 Awesome Fan Theories That Would Improve The Batman Films

2. The Joker Knows He's In A Movie In The Dark Knight

A very cool theory about Heath Ledger's Joker in The Dark Knight - and one that makes him even more disturbing than he already was - is that he is actually aware of the fact that he is a character in a movie. The theory is based on the fact that most versions of the Joker are constantly laughing, finding everything they do hilarious, and they don't care who else laughs because their only audience is themselves. Ledger's Joker doesn't laugh, however, because his audience are the people watching the movie - and, like any good comedian, he knows it isn't cool to laugh at your own jokes. Take the three different stories he gives to people about his scars, for example; each of those people have no reason to believe that the Joker is lying, and he gets nothing out of the "prank" he is playing on them by lying to them, but every time he tells a different story the only people who can possibly get the "joke" are the audience watching. If Joker is looking for a reaction, the only people who could possibly give him one are the watching masses at home and in cinemas, which gives him a heightened level of self-awareness bordering on omniscience that could only be explained by him knowing that he's a character in a movie.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.