10 Awesome Horror Films That Didn't Rely On CGI

6. Eden Lake

slither movie

Some horror films don't require much more than a few retractable blades and some well-paced performances. Like The Strangers and The Children, Eden Lake works because of the slow-building tension that eventually boils over into a nerve-wracking game of cat-and-mouse.

Survival horror is a sub-genre that relies on character, not spectacle. And Eden Lake has the former in spades.

A young couple (Kelly Reilly and an as-yet unknown Michael Fassbender) are vacationing at the titular lake when they run afoul of some local children who start with mild harassment and pranks, then turn vicious. The make-up work that goes into the particularly heinous injuries are very, very impressive.

Reilly is particularly good, and the film's infuriatingly nihilistic ending will leave you chilled.

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Kenny Hedges is carbon-based. So I suppose a simple top 5 in no order will do: Halloween, Crimes and Misdemeanors, L.A. Confidential, Billy Liar, Blow Out He has his own website - thefilmreal.com - and is always looking for new writers with differing views to broaden the discussion.